"Takadaya," a fish market at Hakata Station delivering fresh fish from the Genkai Sea and the waters near Kyushu to dining tables, has opened "Umi no Sachi no Pan Takadaya" on the first floor of a mixed-use building at Hakata Station Chikushi Exit. Our company is responsible for the overall production of the brand, including the development of the brand concept, art direction, VI development, product development, store design, and package design.
"Takadaya," a fish market at Hakata Station delivering fresh fish from the Genkai Sea and the waters near Kyushu to dining tables, has opened "Umi no Sachi no Pan Takadaya" on the first floor of a mixed-use building at Hakata Station Chikushi Exit. Our company is responsible for the overall production of the brand, including the development of the brand concept, art direction, VI development, product development, store design, and package design.